We are all certainly learning to adapt in this day and time, aren’t we? Speaking of adapting – I’m a huge fan of adaptogens.
Adaptogens are natural substances that help regulate important hormones. They are great at helping to manage stress and fatigue. They can also help boost the immune system, aid in weight regulation, and mental clarity, and boost mood.
A couple of my favorite herbs that I recommend often to my patients are ashwagandha, moringa powder, milk thistle, and reishi. These all play a role in helping manage hormones associated with stress and assist with energy levels.
You’ll have to find what works best for you. Remember that adaptogens are only a small part of the health equation.
Making sure to eat a clean diet and getting in daily movement will do a great part in relieving stress and regulating hormones as well. Great health is a layered approach not a one-and-done.
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I fill my weekly YouTube videos with health and wellness information, exercise, nutrition tips/recipes, and expert interviews to inspire and teach you how to be in your best health…mind, body, and spirit.