You can lower your risk of diabetes with 10 simple changes.

Depending on your age, weight, and other factors, you may be at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The good news is that making healthy changes can greatly lower your risk. To help prevent type 2 diabetes:

  • Watch your weight
  • Eat healthy
  • Get more physical activity

Watch Your Weight

Eating healthy and getting more physical activity will naturally help you watch your weight, but outside of that, here are three things you can do:

  1. Have a goal to drink close to 1/2 your weight in ounces of water (i.e. 120 lbs = 60 oz water).
  2. Eliminate alcohol. Alcohol takes an intense toll on your liver (which affects diabetes).
  3. Stop drinking diet sodas – they are just as unhealthy as regular soda.

Eat Healthy

4. Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet decreases the need to watch calories and increases the nutrients your body is able to retain, and quite frankly – NEEDS to receive to function best.
5. Pay attention to the grains that you are consuming. Some grains are higher in nutrients than others – you obviously want the more densely nutritious grains (like quinoa, black rice, oats, etc.)
6. Fill your diet with vegetables and beans/legumes/lentils, etc.

Get More Physical Activity

7. Stop thinking you can only exercise if you do it in the morning for an hour.
8. Find ways to fit 5-10 minutes of exercise anywhere throughout your day.
9. Make simple changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and parking further away (make a goal of parking in the back of the lot). Bonus: Keeps car dings at a minimum, too. 🙂
10. And finally, make walking every day a priority. Walking can be done any time – start with a brisk, 15-minute walk, and increase your time from there.

Although some of these changes may seem more complicated than simple, it’s not a difficult task. It’s more mindset than anything, really.  In fact, if you need a hand, my final Visibly Fit 7 week coaching group begins on November 16th and we work on all of these areas! Apply now at and take control of your health today.

Let’s prevent and/or REVERSE Type II Diabetes. You can! But, are you ready? Ready for freedom?

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