Everyone is talking about gut health these days and with good reason. Your gut is actually the hub of your health. There are so many health issues related to poor gut health that can be avoided simply by making a change in diet.
Being aware of what you are eating will help you sort out many issues in your gut. Let’s talk about a few foods to make sure to be incorporating into your day that will help to improve your gut health.
Almonds could help improve digestive health by increasing levels of beneficial gut bacteria. As well as being high in vitamin E and other minerals, almonds are now thought to increase good bacteria in the gut.
Onions are particularly rich in the prebiotics inulin and fructooligosaccharides. Both of which help to increase the number of friendly bacteria in your gut and improve immune function.
Blueberries have been found to be rich in prebiotics which serve as the food for probiotics, contributing to healthy bacteria in the gut and colon.
Broccoli is full of fiber and helps maintain healthy bacteria levels in the intestines. In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, when mice ate broccoli with their regular diet, it improved their intestinal health.
The fiber in chickpeas is mostly soluble. That means it blends with water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. Soluble fiber may help increase the number of healthy bacteria in your gut and prevent the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria. This can lead to a reduced risk of some digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer.
Eating a whole-foods plant based diet is good for your gut because many fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, including Bifidobacteria.
How many of these beneficial foods to you keep in your regular diet?