Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s somewhat cliche, but Thanksgiving is a way of life, not just a holiday. Embracing the daily habit of gratitude can have a profound impact on your life. In this article, we explore 7 incredible health benefits of gratitude. If gratitude is not a daily habit for you, here are these benefits explained, shedding light on the wonderful benefits of gratitude:
1. Gratitude is healthy for your brain.
Being thankful and recognizing things you are thankful for helps to reroute brain patterns to be more positive.
2. Gratitude relieves stress.
When you are thankful in the midst of difficult situations, your stress level lowers, thus keeping the production of cortisol in balance.
3. Gratitude boosts your emotions.
Think about a time that was difficult for you – was it improved by thinking about what you were thankful for over what you were struggling with at that time?
4. Gratitude can decrease pain levels.
A study conducted on gratitude versus burdens revealed that some of the study participants reported having less pain after a mindset shift to the grateful.
5. Gratitude is said to cause better sleep.
Sleep is always difficult when our burdens are heavy and we have so much to process in our minds – however, when we change our minds to being thankful, restfulness comes more easily. (is Bing Crosby singing to anyone else right now? “I’ve Got Plenty to Be Thankful For” – an oldie, but a goodie. Simply stated.)
6. Gratitude is known to reduce anxiety and depression.
One of the significant benefits of gratitude is a healthy mind. Both anxiety and depression thrive when our minds are caught in negative thought patterns. When we break those patterns by being thankful and averting our thoughts to lighter, grateful thoughts, feelings of anxiety and depression can lessen and even dissipate.
7. Gratitude can increase your drive to exercise.
Many believe that cultivating a general sense of gratitude motivates individuals to take better care of themselves, driving them to exercise and appreciate the health and body they currently possess, regardless of its state. Being grateful to be alive helps to put exercise and movement into motion.
To learn more about gratitude, read the 10 Reasons You Should Keep a Gratitude Journal.