About Wendie Pett, ND
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my web site to learn about how to Get Visibly Fit™ in body, mind and spirit. I’m excited to see you! My desire is to assist you in any way I can along your wellness journey so that you may become the best version of yourself. Choices you make regarding life (in all areas) directly influence the quality of your days. My passion is YOU and your well-being so that you may be equipped to fulfill your individual purpose. Other things I enjoy:
- Spending quality time with my son
- Hiking and soaking in God’s beauty
- Physical culture
- Dancing… like no one’s watching
- Laughing, sharing, and loving deeply
- Hanging with family and friends
- Curling up with a book on a rainy day
What’s your passion? Share with me over on my Facebook Wall and LIKE the page too.

Wendie Pett, a nationally recognized name in the fitness industry, is passionate about motivating and encouraging people to make fitness and nutrition part of their daily routine. She enthusiastically teaches the care of mind, body and spirit, assisting others to learn the importance of reaching their full God-given potential through her Visibly Fit™ program—a total wellness and body weight resistance exercise program. Wendie has helped countless numbers of people reach their fitness goals without ever compromising their joint health, tendons, or ligaments by teaching simple and easy to do exercises that use your body as your gym. A great way to workout anytime, anywhere—no excuses allowed!
Wendie has her own television show that airs nationally every week on the NRB network. Her Visibly Fit™ TV show also airs on several other networks in local markets across the country, including SkyAngel, Parables, and SmartLiveStyle.TV. The show received the Exceptional Service Award in 2011 from Christian Women in Media Association. She speaks at large corporations, churches and universities promoting her Visibly Fit™ health and fitness philosophies. Wendie is the Midwest Regional Director and on the Advisory Board for Christian Women in Media held in Minneapolis. She has a degree in Natural Medicine and works as a fitness coach and consultant with individuals across the country. In addition, she contributes as a featured contributor for Diet.com, Best Ever You Magazine, BetterSelf, Total Wellness Newsletter, Your Excellency Magazine, iBelieve, and many others. She has authored several books including Every Woman’s Guide to Personal Power.

It was after a major injury to her shoulder over a decade ago that Wendie resorted to body weight resistance exercises for strength and healing, and hasn’t turned back to any other form of training since. With a hectic business and personal schedule that includes traveling, her Visibly Fit™ program has been the only way for her to keep her great physique without wasting time and money at the gym.
Wendie makes it all look so easy with her fun, casual, yet dynamic and enthusiastic approach. She makes it difficult to resist heeding her call to, “Stop making excuses and begin today to get in the best shape of your life!”
Wendie’s mission is to help get children and adults of all ages practicing and living the results and benefits of her Visibly Fit™ total wellness and fitness program. She attributes her success to the balance she’s achieved in her life by putting God first, her family second and her business third. The mission of getting families healthy mind, body, and spirit placed Grace ‘n Action on her heart… a non-profit ministry to assist single moms and children in need. She believes that when single moms are equipped with proper tools and education then they are more motivated to become and stay healthy in order to live out the bright future ahead.
Wendie is also an Ambassador for Gospel for Asia and is passionate about the women and children that are neglected in India. She recently had the opportunity to experience and love of some of the Indian people. The discovery of her trip was that the need is greater than she ever realized. Wendie boldly invites you to support the beautiful women and children of India at whatever capacity you can.