Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything


Attitude…It makes a world of difference to your success in all areas of your life. Did you know that the word pessimist is from the Latin word: Pessimus meaning WORST? Pessimists believe that the world is bad and getting worse and that evil will triumph over good. They resign to defeat and expect the least favorable result in everything they do. They expect a bad day, failure, bad service, illness, and even bad hair days! Stay clear of them for they could drag you down with their negativity and energy-draining mindset.

I’m reminded of something I heard author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, say recently and it’s so true. She said, “Deadly emotions buried alive…never die.” Now that’s a powerful statement! How often have you noticed that you’re in your current situation due to the emotions that you’ve attached to it? Maybe you’ve never thought about it, but I want to encourage you to take notice and take on those emotions with new feelings and actions that are positive. This will begin the shift for positive change to occur in your life.

How so? Well, the brain is wired with tiny neurons that connect together. The way you are “wired” is the way in which your attitude and actions will be delivered. In order to change the way you’re “wired” you must sever the neurons that are currently keeping you stuck and generate new wiring that only occurs by new actions and new thinking. This takes practice and persistence, but it scientifically works. This is how you form new habits—by creating fresh positive neurons that wire together within your brain, offering new emotions regarding certain situations.

Optimistic Attitude

Now, let’s move on to the word optimist. It’s from the Latin word: Optimus meaning BEST! Optimists believe people and events are inherently good and the world is a positive place. They expect situations to work out for the best. They expect a good day, a good parking spot, promotion, good health and good humor. Find an optimistic person and you will enjoy their company. They are the ones that in my mind resemble a lit match in a room of darkness…they beam and allow others to see clearly!

Studies prove that optimistic people live longer, happier lives. At Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota, a study found that 50 percent of people lower their risk of dying early than those that are negative. Optimists don’t allow situations and circumstances to define them and they tend to let life “stuff” just roll off their backs; like a duck in water. They are perfectly content, happy, and see the silver lining no matter what life brings their way. Because of this, the studies also tell us that happy people typically live 7 years longer than their “Negative Nelly” friends. So, if you don’t think that your attitude matters – think again!

Oh…and did you know that the mind and spirit must be in a positive, loving place before your physical self can ever transform? It’s true. It’s pretty difficult to stay sad, angry, and depressed with an authentic and genuine smile on your face. Slap a smile on your old emotions and watch your circumstances change and give new light to press forward. This can be the first step in changing your physical well-being. Next, get that smile and body moving to release positive endorphins in the brain as another natural way to become optimistic and happy. If you’re looking for motivation to become your best, it comes from within. But it sure helps to surround yourself with optimistic people who also believe you can be your Best Ever You! And you can…just change your thoughts and your life will follow!

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Wendie Pett ND is a naturopathic doctor helping Christian women get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit. Other holistic programs to designed to empower your journey to optimal health and wellness include a 5 Day Detox + Reboot and Walk It Off Now.

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