Plant-based foods have really been taking off and have been more popular this year than in previous years. Partly due to awareness, availability, and environmental understanding.
As you know, I’m a huge fan of living a whole-food plant-based lifestyle. However, I encourage you to be aware of ingredients in the plant-based prepared meals and plant-based meats. They are not all created equal.
So often they contain fillers and preservatives that can be harmful to the body, turning this otherwise healthy alternative almost into junk food.
The best way to enjoy a plant-based lifestyle is to prepare your own to eliminate the harmful extras that are not necessary. Oils, salts, and you know…many of those ingredient words are hard to pronounce.
Yes, preparing your own plant-based foods means spending a little time in the kitchen rather than reaching for the 2-minute microwave options. But you are worth it, and so is your family.
Make the time and when you are in the kitchen – batch-cook everything. This will save time in the long run and your body will thank you for the clean plant-based eats.
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