Ever feel like a frazzled, stressed out hot mess? I know I have! When you have those moments, one of the best things to do is get outside and go for a walk. It may sound simple but it really helps. Let me give you three reasons why walking is good for your health in mind, body and spirit.
Brisk walking reduces stress, anxiety & depression as well as releases endorphins. Endorphins are known as “happy hormones” and when they’re activated in the brain, they alter your mood and self-esteem into a more positive disposition.
Walking is a great coping strategy that promotes healthy choices. It helps to distract from whatever may be weighing on you so heavily. And you know what…9 times out of 10 once you return from your walk, the very thing that caused angst won’t seem as big of a hurdle. You basically walk off the emotions that block solution oriented skills.
We all have situations in our lives that need a solution. And God is the ultimate problem solver. He speaks when you break free from trying to figure it all and allow him to talk as you walk. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve been on a walk and heard a creative solution to my situation. Walking works and walking heals.
Want to walk together? CLICK HERE to reduce stress and join our awesome community to Walk It Off Now together. The next 6 week challenge begins on July 10th.