Be Your Own Heart Surgeon with Dr. Jonathan Clark Can we do our own heart surgery? (Yes, you read...
Service to Others is Good for Your Heart!
Service to Others is Good for Your Heart! My husband Todd and I recently visited a part of Florida...
Three Questions to Ask When Adversity Hits, and Tips on Maintaining the Health of Your Heart with Lori Ann Wood
"This is your time, God," said Lori in a personal prayer. She had just received a clean bill of...
Make a Decision, And Then Make the Decision Work!
Make a Decision, And Then Make the Decision Work! So many decisions! It seems there are unlimited...
Jacked up? Then Look Up. How to Develop a Growth-Oriented Mindset with Teri Johnson
Jacked up? Then Look Up. How to Develop a Growth-Oriented Mindset with Teri Johnson What a...
The Clean Fifteen List
Here is a quick "go-to" list of the clean fifteen produce that doesn't contain as many, or as...
The Dirty Dozen List
Looking to eat clean and keep endocrine system disruptors at bay? One way to do this is to buy...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips