It’s February…a month that intentionally focuses on love! According to, approximately...
Winter Exercise Ideas for Kids to Do Indoors or Take it Outside!
The bitterly cold weather during winter season across the country has cooped up most of us. We can...
Julie Rosenberg
"Wow Wendie! Thanks for teaching me a workout I can take anywhere! I have a very busy schedule and...
Janet Dalen
"My good friend Pam Roland had invited me out to the Mall of America to see Wendie demonstrate her...
Susan Zimmerman
"Wendie Pett is not only an exceptional model of physical health, she is a phenomenal...
Want To Lose Weight? Try Redirecting Those Taste Buds
Often, the foods we crave most are the ones that pack on the most pounds. One brownie here and a...
A Tender Topic… Encouraging Weight Loss To A Loved One
The topic of one’s weight is never easy to broach. Think of how discouraging it is when we try to...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips