"I don't need to worry about what I look like, I'm married now" I have heard this over and over in...
Looking Good In A Swimsuit – Tips and Tricks
It’s that time of year again when we either reacquaint ourselves with last year’s swimsuit or...
Prevent Knee Injury
A recent study at the University of Michigan concluded that female athletes are eight times more...
The “Skinny” On Fats
Are you consumed with the idea of staying as far away from fat as possible? Only purchase foods...
The True Cost of Being Overweight
The Cost of Being Overweight There are over 64 percent of Americans are overfat and overweight....
Keep Your Body Hydrated
One of the most common health problems that many people suffer from and don’t realize that it can...
Nuts: A Nutritional Breakdown and Why Choosing Wisely Matters
I'm a little nuts when in comes to eating the right kind of nuts. All too often my clients will...
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What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips