Have you ever sat for hours traveling on an airplane or in bumper-to-bumper traffic and thought,...
A New Find… Organic Kiwi berries
While at the grocery store the other day, I was fortunate enough to come across these little...
Butt Workout 101
Looking to lift, tone, and shape up your booty? Well, you are not alone—90% of the people I train...
Get The Most Out Of Your Foods For The Best Results
Many people live to eat instead of eat to live! Do you know which person you are? If you can’t...
How To Prevent Childhood and Teenage Obesity
The prevention of childhood and teenage obesity starts in the home. Children are products of their...
Antiaging Foods
The fountain of youth… everyone is in search of it! You may not realize that you can find part of...
Why People Get Fat
You may be asking why people get fat. Simply because of this one thing. POOR CHOICES… that's how!...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips