“7 days to a flat stomach,” “Do this routine every morning to lose 10 pounds this week,” “The only...
Are You Comfortable With Where Your Health Is?
She looked at the pictures from her brother’s wedding...was that REALLY her? Suddenly she choked...
What Are You Afraid Of?
I came across Isaiah 41:10 as the verse of the day recently and the words of it struck me: “Do not...
It’s Time to Start Being A Smart Mouth
It’s time to start being a Smart Mouth. Not like a teenager, smarty pants kind of way (ok...that’s...
REACH for Best Health!
“Not only is your health your true wealth, it's within reach!” ~Wendie Pett April 7th, 2018 brings...
Cynde Bock Shares About Her Visibly Fit Success
Cynde Bock shares her motivation for choosing Visibly Fit, emphasizing the program's unique...
The Major New Year Reset Mistake You’re Making Right Now
It’s the new year and while resolutions are old news, “one little words” are currently trending....
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What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips