Have you ever been told… “If you’re not going to do something right, then don’t do it at all?” Well, I’m here to debunk that phrase. I used to...
Whether it’s losing weight or running a marathon, a 10K, or staying fit, some of us won’t complete our resolutions. Statistics show that many fail within the first month of trying. So what happens to us that we get so frustrated and just want to give up? Why...
It’s Halloween and many people are getting ready for all the ghosts, goblins, and ghouls to show up at their front door trick-or-treating. If you participate in this activity, what will you be handing out? A “treat”…. I presume? Most of those “treats” are sugar-laden...
The season of the great Minnesota get-together has come to an official end and the school season has just begun. This can actually be viewed as good news….no more state fair temptations and no more routine-lacking summer days. Now, I know that routines may feel...
We’ve all been there, that moment when we judge ourselves by what we see in others. We compare ourselves by what we don’t have with what the other person has accomplished, lost to, or attained in goals in their lives. We put our self-esteem on the line...
I grew up watching Mork and Mindy on the couch. I’d ‘sit’ on my head to imitate Robin William’s character from the planet, Ork. I even owned and wore my very own pair of rainbow-colored suspenders. They had Mork’s photo on them and I would greet...