Consistency Is the Big Payoff I'm going to share a little secret...I don't do this podcast for...
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Releasing Relational Burdens, Stay in the Word to Reduce Stress, Preventative Care for High Cholesterol, and More with Cardiologist, Dr. Sam Kojoglanian
Releasing Relational Burdens, Read the Word, REduce Stress, prevent heart disease with...
How Strong Couples Use Their Differences and Similarities for Their Benefit and to the Glory of God
How Strong Couples Use Their Differences and Similarities for Their Benefit and to the Glory of...
Autonomic Nervous System, Chiropractic Care, Body Work, Heart Rate Variability, Mitochondria, and more with Dr. Terry Harmon
Autonomic Nervous System, Chiropractic Care, Body Work, Heart Rate Variability, Mitochondria, and...
Proactive Tips to Outmaneuver Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain
Proactive Tips to Outmanuever Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain Thanksgiving turkey. Christmas ham....
Practical Tips to Overcome Anxiety Around the Holidays with Neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Practical Tips to Overcome Anxiety Around the Holidays with Neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle...
15 Simple Ways to Keep Seasonal Allergies at Bay
The air is crisp, the leaves are turning to vibrant reds, oranges and yellows and the weather is...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips