Change. It can be painfully beautiful.

Just as the leaves change color and fall from the trees each autumn – it’s a beautiful, colorful season. And yet that season means winter and dormancy are around the corner.

The health journey is a little bit like the outdoor seasons. Change can be painful in the beginning and yet on the other side of it is a new level and beauty of growth. But, it does take every season to grow and flourish well. If we didn’t have autumn before winter the preparation for the next season would be lacking leaving more struggle than need be.

Each season brings on new obstacles (I like to call them opportunities) to break through and grow stronger.

What season of your health are you in currently? If you’re looking to break through the dormancy of the season you’ve remained stuck in far too long – go to and let’s have a conversation.

Seasons change. People change. But, sometimes it takes a push to get unstuck from a painful season. Allow me and my team to give ya a little push.