If there is one thing I could imprint into your mind today, it’s…consistency is key to success!

As much as I used to appreciate the television show, The Biggest Loser, and how inspiring and motivational it was, it would also leave the average audience member a bit jaded about reality. Actually, it has even left a few of The Biggest Loser participants jaded after they returned home and entered back into their daily lives. You see, the average person doesn’t have the entire day to work out and doesn’t have someone looking over their shoulder to see if they’ve been eating properly.

Reality is…the average person is going in many different directions within the course of the day to find that they’re literally falling into bed at night with exhaustion. No wonder people are looking for speedy results; they don’t make enough time in their day for themselves and yet still desire to reach their wellness goals.

Many people would say that they are living in a speedy, quick-fix, microwave-like society, and expect everything in an instant. Wanting results yesterday and at the very latest…today!

Well, I have news for you – instant is for puddings!

Consistent daily regimens last a lifetime. There are no true and natural quick fixes – no matter what the advertisements and infomercials tell you. The key to success is consistency!

The thought of a daily routine may seem like a real drag to many of you. However, if you look at taking care of yourself with exercise, eating properly, prayer, and meditation through the eyes of your creator, then you might see things differently.

Have you ever created, painted, sculpted, sewn, or carved something that you were proud of and considered to be a masterpiece? It took patience and consistent work to get it to its final stages. We are all a work of art, a masterpiece if you will. It takes consistent work before we reach the desired results.

You may wonder how you can become more consistent with your workout routine and nutritional habits.

You must first become accountable. Hire a coach, use a journal for food and exercise, and get an accountability buddy. Schedule “you” time daily in your calendar, and utilize my Visibly Fit™ exercise program. You can use your body as your gym throughout the day or insert “bursts” of energy moves (such as sprints, jump squats, power jacks, etc.).

These are just a few ideas. The most important thing to realize is that you are worthy of taking time for yourself daily. Once you are on board with guilt-free self-worth then the program will fall into place nicely. The word ‘instant’ will no longer be in your vocabulary when it comes to your wellness. Your new word will be ‘constant’!

Do you want to learn how to lose excess weight without fad diets or gym memberships in 7 weeks?

Click here to apply for the next Visibly Fit™ 7-week group coaching intensive. We start on August 31st!

Visibly Fit™ is not just about weight loss, it’s also about removing pain from your life and reliance on medications.

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