A Valentine Episode. Love Is In The Air: How to Get Married in 12 Months or Less with Jackie Dorman
Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Alternatively, have you just given up on love altogether? In today’s episode, Jackie Dorman shares from a Biblical perspective about dating and marriage. Firstly, we discuss how getting healthy and healed at the heart level, as an individual, will open the door for your true ‘spirit mate’ to show up in your life.
A few things we talk about:
Nobody is perfect. As time goes on, we tend to make a long list of things that are ‘non-negotiable.’ However, in reality, they often aren’t.
Marriage is all God ever wanted. God cares most about our relationships because he created man and woman for each other.
Dating is not for mating. Instead, it’s a way to get to know yourself, a discovery process of understanding other people, having fun, and learning about the opposite sex as well as about yourself.
Spiritual intuition. When you have a broken heart, that gift can get overextended by trauma and may be taken over by suspicion. Consequently, you might start seeing problems and dangers that aren’t actually there.
It doesn’t have to be easy, it just has to be worth it. Many times, people fantasize about ‘the one for me’ or that the love story God has for us will be easy. However, scripture doesn’t model that idea for us anywhere.
It has to be a yes until it’s a no. Give yourself a chance to get to know yourself and get to know this person. Avoid cutting and running at the first sign of danger because you are God-defended.
Break down the walls. The only thing that building a wall to keep people out accomplishes is keeping the good ones out. Some dysfunctional people see those walls as a challenge to climb. Keeping those walls up might even invite a dysfunctional relationship.
Read also: Common Relationship Problems, and What You Can Do to Address Them with Dr. Shannon Francom | How Strong Couples Use Their Differences and Similarities for Their Benefit and to the Glory of God
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