You probably get asked this question every six months if you’re consistent with your dentist appointments.
What is it? You guessed it – ARE YOU FLOSSING?
If this question makes you cringe, then it probably means your answer is no to flossing.
But, you might cringe even more when you hear that there’s a connection to not flossing and the development of strokes and Alzheimer’s.
Yes, it turns out that your dentist does know a thing or two.
The inflammation that can occur with gum disease plays a major role in hardening blood vessels, especially in the brain.
The University of South Carolina school of medicine conducted several studies. One of those studies showed that people that have gum disease have twice as many strokes. These strokes tend to affect the back of the brain, which controls coordination and vision.
So, floss and floss often. It’s not just about making your dentist proud.
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