Screen Shot  for Christmas 2013 Video
You may find what I’m about to tell you refreshing…OR you
may find it disappointing. I believe it’s just honest and real. All too often people
put me on some sort of “perfect pedestal” as it relates to eating and exercise.
Well…I’m FAR from perfect in any category. One thing that makes me feel a bit
uncomfortable is when I’m out with friends or family and they always look to see
what I’m ordering first at a restaurant before they order. Or at parties and such,
people glance over at my plate before making their own eating decisions. This is
good and bad! It’s a compliment that “my plate” would be an inspiration to what
others may choose to eat, but your health is based on what you do on a daily
basis even when you’re behind the privacy of your closed doors at home. I do not
judge others for what they eat or the way they choose to live. What I do…is my
best to lead by example and to teach with honesty! With that said…I’m NOT
perfect nor am I immune to the cravings and temptations that you may face as
well. I have my moments too. Watch this video and you’ll see what I mean! 🙂
If I could give you a gift this season it would be the gift of “permission” to enjoy
this Christmas holiday and to not be so hard on yourself if you slip just a
bit. Just do the best you can when it comes to your eating and exercise routine.
The judgement and the guilt are not healthy ways to change a habit or mindset. It
will only cause the opposite to happen. It leads to emotional eating, sulking,
couch-potato moments…and that’s no good! Instead – Have fun this season and
celebrate by being fully present! Nibble but don’t overindulge. Exercise when you
can – remember that doing something is ALWAYS better than doing nothing! Just
make a commitment to hit the reset button if you slip a bit and I’ll be right here to
coach you into new and healthy habits for 2014. And PLEASE don’t allow the
hustle and bustle to steal those special moments that will last a lifetime.
OH….One more thing – I have a super exciting life event on my calendar this year
so I will “unplug” just a bit so I can be fully present for this special moment. I can’t
wait to share with you the excitement and to see you in 2014. Many blessings to
you and your family this Christmas season. We have SO much to be thankful
for. THANK YOU for being such a special part of my 2013 and making Visibly
Fit™ part of your wellness journey! Great things to come in the New Year. Make
sure you make get a jumpstart today – Click here to learn more!
Hugs and Blessings,


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