Jacked up? Then Look Up. How to Develop a Growth-Oriented Mindset with Teri Johnson

How to Develop a Growth-Oriented Mindset with Teri Johnson

What a pleasure to welcome to my show my very good friend, Teri Johnson. Teri is the founder of Keeping it Personal, a blog and podcast that helps people just like you develop a winning mindset when it comes to business, health, relationships, and beyond.

When your life and thinking are jacked up, then you need to look up, as Teri says. In other words, when things are awry with your circumstances, go back to the Source of Life, our heavenly Creator. Review the “operations manual” meaning the Scriptures and allow God’s Word, through his Spirit to rectify your thinking, and in turn your actions.

I loved recording this episode and I’m confident you’ll find enjoyment and blessings in it as well!

Here’s a bit of what you’ll hear in today’s episode with Teri:

-Why we get “stuck” in our activities and thoughts…04:10

-The value and importance of accountability in making personal changes…07:10

-Why you need to make a plan if you’re going to achieve anything…10:15

-What Teri has learned working with Wendie’s Visibly Fit program…13:35

-“Triggers” that throw us off track, and how to recover the right mindset to live right…16:48

-Maintaining the right mindset when things aren’t going right…21:50

-Strengthen your “discipline muscle”…25:30

-And much more!

Resources mentioned:

Keeping it Personal website

Overcoming the Nevers

Connect with today’s guest!


Related Topic: Becoming Your Best Self in Body, Mind & Spirit


To learn more and for free resources go to www.wendiepett.com. If you haven’t listened to the Introduction and the first 5 episodes of the Visibly Fit Podcast make sure you do. You will discover that becoming Visibly Fit is actually within your REACH. You can download the worksheets at www.wendiepett.com/visiblyfitpodcast

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