It’s that wonderful time of year again when we get to be with family and friends and share selfless love and gratitude. It’s also that time of year when it seems like everything revolves around…food. The turkey, the fun appetizers, the high-calorie drinks, and all those decadent desserts that we only see once a year. They are all looking for a special place to attach and stay on our hips, thighs, butt, and stomach. That is the fear, anyway. Fear no more.

I would like to encourage you to enjoy this time of year, but to enjoy it responsibly. I guarantee that you will eat foods this holiday season that you wouldn’t normally eat and I think you should! Don’t allow guilt to diminish your festivities. But, I believe that it would be wise to think about your festivities in a healthier fashion. The following tips will assist in your holiday eating decisions.

1. Instead of eating hefty helpings of all the foods offered, minimize your servings so that you can at least taste the wonderful foods without feeling “stuffed.” Leave that for the turkey!
2. Drink a glass of water before you eat your meal. This will fill you up a bit prior to eating. Your body is probably begging for water since the average person doesn’t hydrate often enough.
3. Consider more frequent and intentional workouts during this season. Instead of eating and then plopping on the couch for the football games, get out and go for a quick walk around the block. This will assist in the digestion process and the fresh air will clear your mind.
4. Pack away the food immediately after you eat so you won’t be tempted to nibble all day long.
5. Send leftovers home with your guests.
6. Depending on what time you normally eat your meal, make sure to have something light to eat before or after. Don’t just eat your Thanksgiving feast and that is it. Have a light salad or soup. This will assist you in not overeating as well.
7. My favorite tip—ENJOY yourself and know that you are very blessed to have family and friends in your life.

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