I have written about FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) on numerous occasions, but I feel compelled to share more.
Many people experience F.E.A.R.
- Fear of change
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of loss
- Fear of failure
I have been coaching several clients lately who have the fear of success!
For many, this seems to be the biggest fear of all. It’s the thought of reaching the “unknown” and then what? People literally sabotage their own opportunity for success even if it’s written in intricate detail on how to achieve the success they are seeking. This is more common than not and I feel that it’s time to break through the lies and press on to the success you deserve! I want to challenge you to ask yourself these three questions today.
1. What are my real goals – not someone else’s?
2. What can I do today to get one step closer to those goals?
3. What can I do to acknowledge and accept my progress even if it’s not happening as fast as I wanted?
[If you find that this is holding you back, consider reading my article on Overcoming Your Fear of Transformation. ]
These questions should reel you in a bit and get you focused on your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. Success WILL happen if you press forward and just take one step closer to your goal daily. It may not happen when you want it, but it WILL happen if you desire it bad enough and continue down the path of progression. We are a “want it now” society, but all success happens at different rates for different people. Do not compare yourself to others. Know your heart and the passion inside and you’ll be on the right track.