“7 days to a flat stomach,” “Do this routine every morning to lose 10 pounds this week,” “The only thing you need to do to have the perfect bikini body.” – I’m sure you’ve seen all the headlines and titles.
Getting fit is all the rage these days and with good reason. Blogs and social media platforms freely offer the science of food, diet, and exercise. It’s so good to be in the KNOW.
So what don’t you know? What is it that the titles containing the words, “TODAY,” “In Only __ Week(s)” don’t ACTUALLY tell you?
It’s that fitness isn’t a state of being.
Fitness is a lifestyle.
Being FIT is more than the way you look – it’s the way you feed yourself, move your body, and train your mind.
Fitness not only entails food and workouts, it includes a healthy mind and spirit as well. Fitness is a choice you make every day to say no to foods that contain empty calories, processed ingredients, and diluted nutrients. It is a choice you make to regularly move your muscles in an intentional way to work the staleness of office life out of them. Fitness is making time for your meditations every day.
Without all the ingredients to the recipe, you can’t ever complete what it is that you’re making. The same holds true for fitness – and the cliche that abs truly form in the kitchen rings 100% true.
-> Eating luscious, colorful, whole food plant-based options
-> Working out at LEAST 15 minutes a day AND getting a 3-5 mile walk in
-> Completing your daily devotional and prayer time
What you put in, you get out – or SHOWS out. Fitness is making the right choices EVERY. SINGLE. Day and not giving up when you mess up, but choosing to do better in the next 10 minutes. Keeping the ball rolling even if it hits a bump.
So, how do you get motivated to get fit? Start by making just one choice each day in the direction of your goals.
If you already have motivation and are seeking the next step to learn, apply, and establish healthy habits, then take action now and schedule a call with me by CLICKING HERE. Let’s talk. You won’t regret it.