Summer is a time that seems to fill up in a blink. How in the world did my calendar get so full already? Is this question a familiar one? For many, they jam the summer with family fun, adventures to the beach, vacations, camping, outdoor living, etc. All of these are EXCELLENT things.

That is. Until they begin to suck the life out of you because you are bouncing from one adventure to the next. Some people thrive on this kind of living – and that’s good!

For others of us, we need to slow down a little and reflect. How do you know when you need to recharge?

There are several warning signs that may seem obvious – your patience level shortens, you aren’t sleeping as well as you had been, and you’re noticing that you’re forgetting things.

When you begin to double book there’s no question that you’ve overdone it.

Start to recognize your warning signs. There can be more subtle signs that can clue you in as well. Your phone is ringing, maybe you cringe because you don’t want to say yes or no to one more thing so you ignore it.

Maybe you’ve avoided a friend’s text message for help because you don’t want to let her down, but you just don’t have the capacity to fit one more thing in…

Or, perhaps, you’ve begun to notice that you’ve forgotten to do some of the basic daily self-care rituals like having breakfast or brushing your teeth.

If you have started to notice some of these key symptoms, it’s ok to take a break. You can’t serve anyone well – least of all yourself- if you’re too busy to simply care for yourself.

Take the time, take the break, say the “no” that needs to be said. You are worthy of your space and your time and using it well.

Be honest with yourself and your people and assess each situation individually to make sure that it’s something that will recharge you instead of drain you.

Go ahead – make this the most freeing and relaxing summer you’ve ever had! You deserve it.

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