Anti-aging is a big thing in America, the problem is no one ever tells you how to stay healthy and FIT as you get older. There’s a lot of pressure on how you look, but health isn’t all about LOOKING good.
You are never too old for change.
Staying healthy and fit as you get older begins with your diet. The way that you eat has a HUGE impact on your health AND your looks. When you eat a whole foods, plant-based diet your entire body will change (no matter how old you are)! The inflammation will decrease, the pressure off of your joins will lessen, the benefits are amazing.
You can still get into fit shape.
Start slow, begin with taking a walk every day and move your way up to a full exercise routine. To be in your best fitness you don’t have to do anything high intensity. It all has to do with your flexibility and your mind-muscle connection. My Visibly Fit workout program is designed specifically for low-impact, effective exercise. I have even used it to heal a shoulder injury the Doctor wanted me to have surgery on.
You can still create new habits.
You NEVER grow out of the need for good habits and you are NEVER EVER too late the change bad habits or create new, good ones. Assess your days, find what is working and what is working against you. Anything working against you needs to be eliminated. If you want a hand to begin, you can take my 84-Day Challenge and start finding success today!
If you are ready to make the necessary changes you need to improve your health and fitness (no matter your age) you can also join my Super Group (for free) and learn more and get encouragement through the process.
Making changes with others will help to keep you on track and in line with your goals. We benefit so much from learning from one another and being encouraged through one another’s stories.
Find a friend to do it with you – encourage each other and keep one another accountable to your goals.