Most of us are aware that there’s a lot of juicing going on, and, yet, if we’re honest, a good number of us have no clue as to why. For some, juicing appears to be nothing more than a tactic to encourage juicing-machine purchases. Could there actually be any meat to the process? And if so, “What’s in it for me?”
The answer to that last question is, “Much!” The link between nutrition (food) and neurological impulses (which assist brain functions) is a close one. Without the right nutrients, brains cannot offer clear thoughts, emotional stability, or a number of other functions necessary for health and happiness.
A juicer is a tool for separating juice from fruits, herbs, leafy greans and other types of vegetables from its pulp. In separating the pulp, juicers concentrate the nutrition naturally present in fruits and vegetables and allows for easier absorption. The use of juicers also makes it easier to consume more raw produce. The juice itself is great, but using a juicer that includes the pulp is even better. You’ll receive more fiber and nutrients, while still being able to drink more produce than you could possibly eat in one sitting.
Do you ever feel as though your emotions are all over the map? That could be a signal from your body that you are not adequately nourished. The amount of fruits/vegetables required on a daily basis could fill a shopping cart, and few have the time, money or desire to shop for fresh produce. Juicing offers added advantages, including minimal chopping and the utilization of every part of the produce, including its skin. Nothing, therefore, is wasted, and you receive the maximum amount of nutrients needed for the day.
The next time you set out to stuff your emotions with unhealthy, sugar-laced food, pull out the juicer instead. You can find juicers of all types online or in most stores, ranging from affordable to highly expensive and somewhere in-between. In a matter of minutes, you will be able to whip up a delectable concoction that will enhance brain function and curb unhealthy cravings. The amount of nutrients our bodies require may appear to be overwhelming and expensive (particularly when foods are out of season), but with a little effort, you’ll begin to recognize which foods offer the most benefit. Especially beneficial is the fact that produce about to go bad may be put to good use. Don’t toss them – juice them! Your wallet will thank you.
The following recipe will help jumpstart your adventure with juicing. You may need to perform only minimal chopping and dicing, depending on the size of your produce. The sky’s the limit, however, as to the plethora of produce to use.
Go ahead – create your own concoctions and soak in a new healthy attitude, the likes of which you’ve never known! Following is Wendie Pett’s delicious and easy juicing recipe.
Wendie’s Jazzed-Up Juice
Ingredients (all of which include the whole fruit/vegetable)
Parsley (one bunch)
Ginger (one-inch portion)
Spinach (handful)
2 Whole carrots
2 Celery stalks
½ of a large tomato
½ Apple (seeds included)
½ Cucumber
½ Bell pepper (any color)
¼ of a beet (caution: may stain clothes)
2-3 Small strawberries (stems included)
Be creative! Throw in anything you like. No dicing, chopping, or seed-removing is required.