“This is your time, God,” said Lori in a personal prayer. She had just received a clean bill of health when her doctor told her she was about the last person on Earth who would have any type of heart issue.
Three weeks later, doctors diagnosed Lori with an enlarged heart. The largest heart one doctor had ever seen. They told her she might have as little as 6 months left to live.
Here’s a bit of what you’ll hear in today’s episode:
-Lori’s conversation with God leading up to her heart “event”…04:15
-Prayer chains and communion with the saints lead to a miraculous recovery – then another setback…09:12
-A primer on myocarditis, and steps you can take to watch out for your heart’s health…12:05 (Learn more about 5 Ways to Improve Heart Health and What Should You Be Eating for the Health of Your Heart?)
-Additionally, discover why Lori (reluctantly) wrote a book to describe her health challenges…20:05
-The three questions to ask…23:30
- Is this life all there is?
- Is God always good?
- Is God’s plan enough?
-Finally, gain insights for those struggling with heart disease, from one who has been there…31:10
-And much more…
Resources mentioned:
Lori Ann’s website
Divine Detour: The path you’d never choose can lead to the faith you’ve always wanted
To learn more and for free resources go to www.wendiepett.com. If you haven’t listened to the Introduction and the first 5 episodes of the Visibly Fit Podcast make sure you do. You will discover that becoming Visibly Fit is actually within your REACH. You can download the worksheets at www.wendiepett.com/visiblyfitpodcast