God’s creation is amazing and miraculous. This includes the foods that he created to nourish our bodies. When the Israelites wandered the desert he provided exactly what they needed to sustain them in complete perfection.
Keeping that in mind, there are foods and ways that we can eat even today that will benefit our bodies. Since February is the month of love, we are going to talk specifically about foods that are especially beneficial to your heart.
Your heart is the key component to keeping your body alive and working. The number one killer of humans (both men and women) is heart disease so keeping your heart healthy and doing what you can to benefit this important organ is key to a good life.
Foods for a Healthy Heart
What foods are good for your heart? There are many, actually. And if you’ve been reading my posts long enough you’re probably thinking “beans and greens.” Yes, they are great too. But so are oatmeal, berries, flaxseed, and more. Here are three that you might not think of as often as you should.
Let’s begin with Broccoli! Broccoli is a really incredible vegetable that often is overlooked because of the strong opinions about it. In reality, it is a SUPER food! Packed full of healthy fiber to help lower the risk of heart disease.
Almonds are a heart-healthy satisfying snack. Being a powerhouse source of magnesium, they also help to lower blood pressure levels. If that’s not a reason to begin snacking regularly on almonds, I’m not sure what is! Just be sure to keep your portion sizes reasonable – they are high in (healthy) fats. A good snack size is the palm of your hand in portion.
Always a winner and consumed in several different forms is oranges. Oranges offer fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, and choline which help to lower blood pressure, and the risk of stroke, and diabetes. And bonus, you can consume them in juice form or fruit form (just make sure your juice is free of added sugars).
Do you eat enough of these heart-healthy powerhouse goodies?