I just love quotes, but can’t really say that I have an all-time favorite, I have several favorites! But, one quote that I use often is from the late Jim Rohn; of whom I got to meet a few years ago at a conference in Dallas, Texas. What a dynamic, authentic and brilliant man! He said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Now, as simple as that sounds it’s quite profound as well. You see, motivation is something that many of my clients think I will magically deliver for them. While I may be a form of motivation due to the example and life I strive to live daily, (notice I said strive because I am by no means perfect), I can assure you that true personal motivation comes from a desire to breakthrough personal pain or frustration.
I’ve had my fair share of personal motivation. Whether it came from a failed marriage, living in denial about depression, or the stress of running a business while being a single mom, every motivation came from a desire for change. I’m normal, I’ve got “stuff” but I choose to allow my past situations to be my motivation for change. The root word of motivation is mot, which means…move. It’s about taking positive action steps that will change a situation or circumstance. You must move for change to occur. Whether it’s literally to release weight or to release emotional baggage – it’s all tied together.
So, as a fitness and wellness coach, it’s not easy to share my “stuff” because it contradicts with my passion and purpose. In fact, I don’t share it that often, probably because it’s all past tense and it doesn’t define me. What it does do, though, is allow me to have empathy and compassion for my clients as I give them guidance and direction to breakthrough their own personal pain and frustration. My goal is to assist others to find their true motivation, their reason for action, in hopes that it will spark a desire to create new habits and better choices.
WHY? Because my heart bleeds for those who aren’t living life to their fullest and aren’t fulfilling their purpose and calling. This is often due to their choice of staying stagnant and feeling defeated. No matter what your current circumstance, you can change! All you have to do is have the desire and the will to take small action steps daily that soon become disciplined habits. Did you know that your character is defined by many of your habits? That alone should be motivation enough to make new and positive choices.
You may “feel” that it’s too late to change or “feel” like there’s no point in becoming healthy mind, body and spirit. But, no matter how you “feel” those are just feelings and do not speak truth. The truth is that it’s never too late to change! I even taught my Visibly Fit exercise program to a 93-year-old who reaped the benefits. After three months of working with him, he was able to get off his blood pressure medications and his diabetes was no longer an issue. He had better balance along with more strength and energy. The only time it’s too late to change is the day you’re six feet under.
That may sound a bit harsh. However, you were created with greatness in mind, and you still have great things to do and accomplish. It’s not just about you, either. Your choices to form healthy disciplined habits affect everyone you come in contact with daily. Healthy habits will allow you to cross the finish line of life with excellence. I encourage you to make a strategic “mot” to your next position with strength and confidence!