My 5 favorite kitchen hacks

Kitchen Hacks – I love them. They save time and frustration and who couldn’t use more time and less frustration when you’re planning your food?

Here are 5 of my favorites that I think will become yours:

  1. To keep water from boiling over in a pot – put a wooden spoon over the pot. Wood isn’t a great heat conductor and the bubbling water will stay down in the pot.
  2. Have too many fresh herbs to use all at once? Simply chop and put into an ice tray along with oil or water. Pop out, thaw, and use as needed for a future recipe.
  3. Fresh nuts last longer if you freeze them in an airtight bag or container.
  4. Get more juice out of a lemon or lime or orange by applying slight pressure and rolling in on the counter. Then make sure to cut lengthwise before squeezing.
  5. Keep tomatoes at room temperature rather than in refrigeration to keep from rotting quicker. Also, store stem side down to keep oxidation from occurring as well.


Really, once you get used to being in your kitchen more, making more meals from scratch, you can discover your own hacks. What works for you? What things do you like/dislike as you’re working in your kitchen?

Getting acquainted and comfortable in your kitchen is key to maintaining a healthy whole-food-plant-based lifestyle.

What is your favorite kitchen hack?

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Wendie Pett ND is a naturopathic doctor helping Christian women get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit. Other holistic programs to designed to empower your journey to optimal health and wellness include a 5 Day Detox + Reboot and Walk It Off Now.

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