We may fail to remember this mighty truth, but the Lord never will: Our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit. God designed the human body to be a finely tuned instrument —the most resilient on earth, in fact— so that bodies can endure the likes of fractures, adhesions, sprains, strains, and pain.
That said, however, our human bodies are fragile instruments not geared to handle excess, whether in the form of nourishment, fuel, or additives. Unlike machines, our bodies are devoid of thinking parts and are ripe for mistakes.
Thankfully, the Bible offers instructions for caring for our bodies.
Passages in the Bible reveal many basic principles for good physical, mental, and spiritual health.
For example:
“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity . . . This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones” (Proverbs 3:1-2, 8).
Clearly, our health concerns the Lord. We’re here on Earth for a purpose, after all, and we cannot be productive if we’re unhealthy mind, body, and spirit. So seriously, does the Lord regard the principles of healing that He provided Moses with ample instructions.
According to the God’s Word, those who follow Him generally will be healthy. That is not to say that God’s people will be completely free of disease. However, God’s word indicates that we may enjoy good health. It suggests that all may go well with us, even as our soul is getting along well (3 John 1:2). God is, of course, more interested in our spiritual health than our physical well-being. Disease resulted from Adam’s sin, so even the most righteous may suffer – the prime example, of course, being Job.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not allow temptation beyond your ability to resist. He will also provide a way of escape from the temptation, enabling you to endure it.
The Lord knows everything about us, and He has provided everything we need to maintain good health. The choice is ours to make: run the race ahead with gusto and success, or miss out on the adventure that God’s laid before us.
As for me and my house, we will follow the Lord!