
Q: I can’t seem to find the hour a day or even 30 minutes a day that I seem to constantly try and recommit to, but never follow through with. How can I find the time to fit in exercise?

A: Instead of trying to find that block of time, why not focus on making your fitness routine part of your hourly life? For instance, plan on taking five minutes every hour to do something productive toward your fitness goal. Maybe it’s taking five minutes to perform sit-ups, push-ups, or squats. Or, do 1-2 of my Daily 7 x 11 Visibly Fit™ techniques. You should easily be able to fit in two of the seven exercise moves in 5 minutes. Take the time every hour. You’ll easily complete your 7×11. Think of it as gaining power by the hour!

Q: Do you really believe you can achieve as high a level of fitness at home as you can in a gym?

A: Absolutely! I used to go to a gym, and I’ve worked with a personal trainer. But, I never achieved the definition, strength and stamina—not to mention the pain-free back!—that I have experienced with my Visibly Fit™ program—these exercises will allow you to train your body at its highest capabilities without straining or destroying your joints, tendons, or ligaments. I’m saving a whole lot of time and money for even greater rewards. You can too!

Q: What is the best outdoor activity I should do to enhance my 7×11 daily Visibly Fit™ routine?

A: Whatever you have the most fun doing! Avoid the possibility of boredom from doing only one type of activity and discover how to be a kid again. Some of the most fun, not to mention my best workouts have derived from playing! Remember how good it feels to run, jump, swing from monkey bars, bike, swim, play tag, skip rope or play dodge ball? The activities are endless….playing tennis, badminton, rollerblading, or just tossing a ball back and forth!

Q: I live in Seattle where it rains all the time, so I can’t get out and do my 30-45 minutes of walking, running or biking aerobic exercise three times a week. Can you suggest an indoor Visibly Fit™ aerobic activity?

A: Furey Squats will get your blood pumping and your heart rate up! You can learn about them in the calisthenics section of by book Every Woman’s Guide to Personal Power. Try to perform as many squats as you can within a 20-minute time frame. You’ll find it to be an amazing workout, and it will be wonderful for shaping your legs. In addition the Furey Push-up, Atlas Push-up and Panther Stretch also have great cardio benefits and could be interchanged with the Furey Squat for variety in your aerobic workout. I teach all of them in my book!

Q: I read somewhere that isometric type exercises were the only recommended strength-training exercise to perform while pregnant, is this true?

A. I wouldn’t say that it is the ONLY recommended exercise for pregnant women as I believe that visualized resistance training is safe as well. Isometric and visualized resistance exercises are all part of my Visibly Fit™ program. During pregnancy, your body is already under enough stress with all the changes it is going through and you don’t need to add to it. Visibly Fit™ will keep you in tip-top shape and give you the added strength that you will need during each trimester and get you ready for labor.

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