There are many fears that come with beginning a new eating and fitness regime. Most generally talked about is the fear of failing. What many do not talk about though, is the fear of transformation.
Yes, you read that right – in other words, the fear of change.
Don’t people begin a new fitness and eating regime for the purpose of change? Yes. In fact, they do.
But, what often times stops them from succeeding is actually MAKING the change. They stick with the same old mindset they’ve always had and don’t allow it to flex with their changes.
Think about it, you begin a new eating plan and your first thought is often, “I’ll stick with it as long as I see results.” Right?
What if you don’t see results? OR, what if you don’t see results when you THINK you should see results? It doesn’t mean they aren’t there, but the fact that you don’t see them causes you to quit.
That’s a “fixed” mindset.
In order for real and lasting change, you want a mindset that is ready for change. Your mind needs to be in the space of “yes, it will be hard, but it will be good.” When you are thinking in those terms, change WILL take place.
You will be able to see your set-backs simply as opportunities to learn. Assessing WHY you had a setback, what caused it, how to avoid it in the future, etc will improve your chances of success tenfold.
When I think of transformation, a butterfly never fails to come to mind. The quiet patience and incredible transformation that takes place from plane moth to breathtaking butterfly is such a perfect picture of the mindset we should have about change.
Yes, the process will be difficult. Transformation can take longer than we want. Change can be uncomfortable. In the end though, what will happen?
You will be a beautiful butterfly.
Is that a change you want to see happen? Or would you rather stay stuck in moth-shape because your fear is holding you back?
If you are ready for a change and a new mindset, I want you to get in touch with me. Schedule a breakthrough call today so I can find out where you’re at, and help you discover how you can overcome your fear of transformation. My next session begins April 22nd, sign up today at