Lessons Learned Going Through The Pandemic as a Married Couple: Seeing the Positives in the Midst of Health Trouble & Our Protocol Regimen
We can’t be immune from all illness in the world, but we can certainly live immune. What does that mean? Well, it means to live day-by-day in a way that elevates your immune system so it keeps illness at bay. BUT, when what happens when there is a crack in the foundation of your immune system due to an injury, maximized stress or lack of sleep? That’s right, an attack can creep right in.
That’s exactly what happened to Wendie and her husband, Todd. They share their pandemic story and the positive lessons they learned together through it all. You’ll also hear about their protocol in hopes that it might assist you or someone you know.
Read also: Staying healthy during a global pandemic. | Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Get through COVID-19 Successfully
To learn more and for free resources go to www.wendiepett.com. If you haven’t listened to the Introduction and the first 5 episodes of the Visibly Fit Podcast make sure you do. You will be encouraged that becoming Visibly Fit is actually within REACH. You can download the worksheets at www.wendiepett.com/visiblyfitpodcast