I often wonder what it was like for the Israelites when God gave them victory over Canaan. You know the story, they marched around the walls of Jericho seven times banged their tambourines, and blew their trumpets. Then they shouted and all the walls fell down. In reality, they didn’t have to do much to take the city. They just had to set their sights on it, take steps of faith, and trust God.
I’m curious about what transpired after they captured the city. They stood there, looking at each other, pondering their next move. Suddenly they weren’t fighting, they were living. They were adjusting to a new normal. Sadly, in the end, they turn against their God and go back to their old ways.
We can be like that when it comes to taking care of our bodies, can’t we? We set our sights on the prize, we set a goal, make some progress, and then retreat to our old ways. It’s as if we can’t adjust to the new normal of living triumphantly. It “feels” hard to sustain and so we turn back. We retreat to our old ways.
This is why I have my 7-week Visibly Fit™ group coaching with a follow-up private group for my coaching VIP graduates.
If you need help setting your new normal and mapping out what it looks like to live it out in your everyday life, then my Visibly Fit Group Coaching is for YOU! You’ll get daily interaction from me for 7 weeks. You’ll get weekly live coaching sessions, weekly meal plans, grocery lists, workout routines, accountability, and more! Just CLICK HERE for more details and to reserve your spot. The next session begins September 19th.
If you’ve graduated from one of my coaching groups or completed the Visibly Fit in 84 Days Challenge and feel you’re slipping and turning back to your old ways then join my Visibly Fit VIP Facebook Group. Here I keep you motivated with food and exercise tips, recipes, weekly Facebook Live Videos, monthly group coaching calls, and uplifting content to keep you motivated mind, body, and spirit. All for just $27/month. Reply to let me know you want to join the group. Or just click here to join. 🙂
I can’t wait to help you take hold of your new normal!