Resistance training isn’t just good for the body…

Do you resist resistance? If you do, don’t worry you’re not alone. Resistance can be uncomfortable and that’s why many people tend to stay in a place of ease and contentment. But, resistance in many areas of life can actually help you grow and become stronger. For instance…mentally, studies prove that when you workout using resistance training one of the most profound effects on the brain is the marked improvement in memory and in cognitive skills. Another bonus to working out, don’t you think?

Of course physically, when you workout using resistance it not only builds muscle and burns fat, but it also helps to increase bone density. Just like muscles, bones are living tissue and they change in response to the forces placed upon them. It’s important to exercise the body using resistance of varying levels. Now, keep in mind that resistance training doesn’t mean that you have to lift weights.  You can, but you can also do exercises like isometrics that are included in my Visibly Fit™ program or plyometric exercises, which include hopping and jumping-type moves. These offer high-intensity with dynamic tension resistance. They’re powerful workouts and don’t take a lot of time, plus you’ll reap major benefits.

Speaking of benefits, using resistance training offers the opportunity to pray and meditate while doing the moves. You may not have ever thought of praying while exercising, but I combine the two often. I thank God for the gift of health, strength, blessings, friends, and family, and for life in general. A resistance workout becomes one that offers quite the opposite of the word resistance for me – more of a conformed workout in mind, body, and spirit!

Romans 8:29 reads:

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

 Maybe you resist working out and eating healthy, or maybe your resistance isn’t in the area of your physical health. Maybe you resist other important things, like having a difficult conversation with a friend or family member, advancing in your career because you resist change, or it could be that you resist getting financial education to better equip your future. That list goes on, but only you know the area in which you are most resistant. I encourage you to….


 It is there, in which you will grow and become a stronger and better person. Don’t resist resistance – the resistance will serve you well!

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On Track


Wendie Pett squatting on train tracks praying to help get your health on track. Grab the FREE Visibly Fit™ in 7 days workout and meal plan with bonus healthy travel tips at

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What's included:
Workout & Meal Plan

Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips



Get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit

Learn how 7 weeks can change your life forever. Visibly Fit™ 7-week Accelerator client success stories report the following results:

  • Reverse illness and disease
  • End chronic pain and inflammation
  • Reduce or eliminate medication (with your medical doctor's approval)
  • Release unhealthy excess weight
  • Appetite for healthy plant-based food
  • Increased physical energy, strength, agility and stamina
  • Better sleep
  • Deeper faith
  • Stronger confidence & increased mental fortitude

Wendie Pett ND is a naturopathic doctor helping Christian women get Visibly Fit™ in mind, body and spirit. Other holistic programs to designed to empower your journey to optimal health and wellness include a 5 Day Detox + Reboot and Walk It Off Now.

Dr Wendie Pett, ND smiling in a white coat against an orange gradient background next to text that reads Get Visibly Fit™ with Wendie Pett, ND
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