Swimsuit season is literally only a few weeks away. Does that reality make you want to run a few...
Cross Training
When we discover an exercise that we fall in love with, it is a wonderful thing! We may find that...
Holiday Eating Tips: Stuff the Turkey – Not You!
It's that wonderful time of year again when we get to be with family and friends and share...
Five Ways to Enjoy Holidays with Family and Stick to a Plant-Based Lifestyle
I remember when I was growing up, the “ideal” holiday image on the Norman Rockwell-painted plate...
Sugar Overload: Unmasking the Health Risks of Halloween Treats
Sugar - it’s everywhere right about now. Thanks to the October 31st festivities and the incredible...
Audience of ONE
With the multitudes of distraction and the “look at me” opportunities through social media and...
Back to Routine
It’s hard to believe that we are already getting geared up for school to begin. This may be a...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips