Our habits are an accumulation of choices that we have made over and over again. We can create...
How to Have a Better Attitude Towards Fitness
Fitness is all the rage these days, however, for some, it can sting when fitness is brought up....
Overcoming Your Fear of Transformation
There are many fears that come with beginning a new eating and fitness regime. Most generally...
How to stick to your plan on vacation
We are in the thick of Spring Break season. Often times, when you go on vacation, it's easy to let...
My 5 favorite kitchen hacks
Kitchen Hacks - I love them. They save time and frustration and who couldn't use more time and...
5 Ways to Improve Heart Health
Not only is this the month of love, but February is heart health month. In honor of both of those...
3 Reasons to Forgive People that have Hurt You
February tends to bring about posts relating to relationships, but the posts in February rarely...
Get Your Health
On Track
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips