As the year progresses, it's easy to lose momentum and excitement about our goals and dreams. It's...
5 Things to Ensure Accomplishing Your Health Goals
I believe my son was in 3rd grade when we were having a conversation about basketball and that if...
Non-Candy Halloween Treats to Hand Out
Need some non-candy Halloween treats to hand out this year? It seems there is no shortage of...
4 Pieces of Common Health Advice that are False
It's really tough to find the truth about getting healthy out there today - so many differing...
How to Get Yourself Motivated to Get Fit
“7 days to a flat stomach,” “Do this routine every morning to lose 10 pounds this week,” “The only...
Are You Comfortable With Where Your Health Is?
She looked at the pictures from her brother’s wedding...was that REALLY her? Suddenly she choked...
It’s Time to Start Being A Smart Mouth
It’s time to start being a Smart Mouth. Not like a teenager, smarty pants kind of way (ok...that’s...
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On Track
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips