“Not only is your health your true wealth, it's within reach!” ~Wendie Pett April 7th, 2018 brings...
Ions in the Sand
Do you feel "grounded?"What I mean is...are your bare feet literally touching the ground?Because...
Miraculous Foods for a Healthy Heart
God’s creation is amazing and miraculous. This includes the foods that he created to nourish our...
How to Include Your Significant Other in Your Weight Loss Journey
Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you don't have the right plan or intentional...
The Major New Year Reset Mistake You’re Making Right Now
It’s the new year and while resolutions are old news, “one little words” are currently trending....
Give the Gift of Sleep
Sleep...it's "overrated," right? Well, that's what the people say that aren't getting enough of...
Do You Play the Blame Game?
Our mindset either makes us or breaks us. So, I’ve got to ask - how are your thoughts these days?...
Get Your Health
On Track
Kickstart your health for FREE with
Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips