Can you brush cellulite away? Well, not quite - but DRY brushing your skin could definitely...
Let the Weight Fly Off When You Travel
Most of us travel somewhere during the summer months whether it’s by plane, train, or automobile....
Mirror, Mirror…In The Grocery Store?
OK - How about this for a great weight loss gimmick…’ Just look in the mirror to prevent weight...
A Comprehensive Guide to Spring Cleaning
After living in a home that has been closed up all winter, it's important to take spring cleaning...
You Should Give A Squat About Squats
If you give a squat about your health - then you’ll do just that…. Squat! There are over 640...
4 Workout Tips to Put Some Spring in Your Step
As the season of new creation and life begins, it's time to put some "spring in our step" towards...
Three Secrets to Having A Good Attitude in Bad Circumstances
I was thinking last week about attitude. Why is it that some people have great attitudes and...
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Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips