The season of the great Minnesota get-together has come to an official end and the school season...
Breaking Free from the Chains of Comparison
We've all been there, that moment when we judge ourselves by what we see in others. We compare...
Depression Kills
I grew up watching Mork and Mindy on the couch. I'd 'sit' on my head to imitate Robin William’s...
1 Simple Thing
I recently had the honor of being able to share Visibly Fit™ tips with my buddy, Dave Kirby on his...
What’s the Point?
Ever ask yourself...What's the point? Maybe you feel too far gone or too old to start working out...
Food Dyes…They Need to DIE!
With a fast and furious, on-the-go mentality, people are reaching for “easy to make” packaged and...
Embracing Discipline and Healthy Habits at Any Age
Do you think you’re too old to begin incorporating a healthy eating plan and exercise into your...
Get Your Health
On Track
Kickstart your health for FREE with
Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips