We eat because we’re hungry. And sad. Not to mention bored or tired. Often, though, it’s because...
Cigs and E-Cigs…Here’s My Take On It
It’s February…a month that intentionally focuses on love! According to history.com, approximately...
The Power of Preparation
I have recently returned from a health immersion in Florida, where I have the blessing of teaching...
Cruising, Marriage, and Rest
(Credits: www.peckphotography.com) A New Year can offer new beginnings, although you don’t have to...
Want To Lose Weight? Try Redirecting Those Taste Buds
Often, the foods we crave most are the ones that pack on the most pounds. One brownie here and a...
Our Health – Does It Matter To God?
We may fail to remember this mighty truth, but the Lord never will: Our bodies are Temples of the...
What If…
Fear sometimes pushes me to failure or disappointment. In this 131 lb-weight-loss journey, I have...
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On Track
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips