Most of us have tried them—the diet fads that offer much but deliver little. Frustrated and...
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Joint Mobility – Say Goodbye to Snap, Crackle and Pop!
Have you ever felt like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz as you rise out of bed in the morning?...
Inviting God into Your Health Journey
Last spring I developed intermittent, sharp abdominal pain. They came and went on a schedule I...
Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino Interview
In case you missed the interview on BlogTalk Radio by Best Ever You Host, Elizabeth...
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide
“ Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with...
Want A Laugh? Read This!
This joke had me laughing out loud. Hope it gives you a good chuckle today as well. You'll see...
Flex in the City, Flex in the Air, Flex Everywhere!
Planes, trains, and automobiles...that's where you'll find the majority of people every day....
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What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips