Need some non-candy Halloween treats to hand out this year? It seems there is no shortage of...
4 Pieces of Common Health Advice that are False
It's really tough to find the truth about getting healthy out there today - so many differing...
The Best and Worst Diets You Can Use
You've seen all of the fad diets come and go. You see the blurbs on Pinterest about losing X...
Are You Comfortable With Where Your Health Is?
She looked at the pictures from her brother’s wedding...was that REALLY her? Suddenly she choked...
What Are You Afraid Of?
I came across Isaiah 41:10 as the verse of the day recently and the words of it struck me: “Do not...
REACH for Best Health!
“Not only is your health your true wealth, it's within reach!” ~Wendie Pett April 7th, 2018 brings...
Ions in the Sand
Do you feel "grounded?"What I mean is...are your bare feet literally touching the ground?Because...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips