Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you don't have the right plan or intentional...
The One Key to Heart Health You Might Be Missing
Not only is February the month of love, but it is also the month of heart health. For many people,...
People Without Vision Fail to Meet Their Goals
While we are to live for today (and not in the past) it's also important to have a vision. God did...
The Major New Year Reset Mistake You’re Making Right Now
It’s the new year and while resolutions are old news, “one little words” are currently trending....
Give the Gift of Sleep
Sleep...it's "overrated," right? Well, that's what the people say that aren't getting enough of...
Brush Cellulite Away?
Can you brush cellulite away? Well, not quite - but DRY brushing your skin could definitely...
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie: A Healthy Twist on the Craze
Is it just me or are you hearing as much about "pumpkin this and pumpkin that" - as I am? I mean,...
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Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips