Gratitude and thankfulness are abundant right now. I'm going to share 7 things about gratitude you...
What Are You Afraid Of?
I came across Isaiah 41:10 as the verse of the day recently and the words of it struck me: “Do not...
REACH for Best Health!
“Not only is your health your true wealth, it's within reach!” ~Wendie Pett April 7th, 2018 brings...
People Without Vision Fail to Meet Their Goals
While we are to live for today (and not in the past) it's also important to have a vision. God did...
The Major New Year Reset Mistake You’re Making Right Now
It’s the new year and while resolutions are old news, “one little words” are currently trending....
Do You Play the Blame Game?
Our mindset either makes us or breaks us. So, I’ve got to ask - how are your thoughts these days?...
A Blessing in Disguise?
Moment of Panic: Losing the Indispensable Device As we drove into the parking spot at the airport,...
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Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips