Unlock the Visibly Fit Lifestyle: 5 Essential Keys for Holistic Health In this Visibly Fit Podcast...
Are You Magnesium Deficient? Here’s Why It Matters
Are You Magnesium Deficient? Here's Why It Matters Have you considered asking yourself if you are...
Unpacking Health Freedom: Wheatgrass, Watermelon, and Independence
Unpacking Health Freedom: Wheatgrass, Watermelon, and Independence What does health freedom look...
Holistic First Aid and Skincare Solutions of Green Goo with Jodi Scott
Holistic First Aid and Skincare Solutions of Green Goo with Jodi Scott In this episode, my guest,...
How Not to Age with Dr. Michael Greger
How Not to Age with Dr. Michael Greger In this episode of the Visibly Fit Podcast, I had the...
The ProportionFit System: A Simple Approach to Weight Loss with Dr. Nicholas Meyer
The ProportionFit System: A Simple Approach to Weight Loss with Dr. Nicholas Meyer Join me in this...
The Root Cause of Dry Skin: How Nutrition and Lifestyle Affect Your Largest Organ
The Root Cause of Dry Skin: How Nutrition and Lifestyle Affect Your Largest Organ In today's...
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Get your health on track with Wendie Pett, ND!
What's included: Workout & Meal Plan
Bonus: Healthy Travel Pro Tips