You’ve seen all of the fad diets come and go. You see the blurbs on Pinterest about losing X amount of weight in just 7 days by following this or that particular diet…Maybe you’ve read all the books by all the health experts and coaches.
Chances are high that none of them are telling you the deeper truth about your “diet”. The truth is that ALL diets, start with the word “die.”
Yep, the word DIET, begins with the word D-I-E.
None of the “diets” trendy or long-living really touch the depth of what a diet should be.
So, that sounds kind of hopeless, right? But it’s not. None of the diets out there today cover all of the nutrients that your body needs like a good, simple, plant-based lifestyle. Not all programs cover the depths of mind, body, spirit, and emotions that make a diet a true lifestyle the way Visibly Fit does.
Granted, whole food, plant-based eating is indeed a diet.
Hear me out for a moment: The definition of diet is “the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.” Soooooo, technically the word diet has been misused on many levels AND so many people eat in such an extreme way that they feel like they are “dying.” Ha!
Yep. Vegans and vegetarians ALMOST have it right.
What the typical vegan and vegetarian diets don’t always talk about is salt, oil, and sugars and how eliminating all of those things (along with caffeine) benefits your health greatly.
ALL oils are just extra, unneeded, processed calories. Some even call them “fat in a bottle.” Table salt causes inflammation, water retention, and high blood pressure. Sugar is hard on your body also causing inflammation, insulin issues, and more.
By eliminating all of these things and focusing on a clean, wholesome, plant-based “diet” your body benefits in so many ways. It undergoes regular detoxification, avoiding the pattern of surging a detox and then refilling with the same toxins shortly after. I understand that sometimes it takes a detox to get on track. But, the idea is the STAY THERE – not jump from track to track.
Need a hand in taking the plunge into cleaning up your health?
I’m here to help – you can apply today by clicking here.